Create RFC for Push Notification

Following steps guide you to configure RFC to establish HTTP communication between SAP and external server.
  1. Go to SM59 transaction and create a RFC of connection type G.
  2. In the RFC Destination window, enter the following information:
    Table 1. RFC Destination
    Field Description
    Target Host SCP Host
    Path Prefix /notification
    Service No 443
    Figure 1. Create RFC
  3. On the Logon & Security tab, choose Basic Authentication.
  4. Enter S-User and Password.
  5. In the Security Options section, select the SSL Certificate (SCPMS SAP Cloud Platform) created in Import SCP Certificate to Gateway system.
    Figure 2. Select SSL Certificate

  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Connection Test to validate the configuration.
Figure 3. HTTP Connection to External Server